The Drugs In Me Is You

I heard a knock upon my door the other day,
I opened it to find death staring in my face,
The feel of mortal stalking still reverberates,
Everywhere I go I drag this coffin just in case.

My bodies tremblin' sends shivers down my spine,
Adrenaline kicks in shifts into overdrive,
Your secrets keep you sick your lies keep you alive,
Snake eyes every single time you roll with crooked dice,

I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down,
The kind of dark that haunts a hundred year old house,
I wrestle with my thoughts I shook the hand of doubt,
Running from my past I'm praying feet don't fail me now!

I've lost my god damn mind,
It happens all the time,
I can't believe I'm actually,
Meant to be here,
Trying to consume,
The drug in me is you
And I'm so high on misery
Can't you see!
[ Lyrics from: ]
I got these questions always running through my head,
So many things that I would like to understand,
If we are born to die and we all die to live,
Then what's the point of living life if it just contradicts?

I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down,
The kind of dark that haunts a hundred year old house,
I wrestle with my thoughts I shook the hand of doubt,
Running from my past I'm praying feet don't fail me now!

I've lost my god damn mind,
It happens all the time,
I can't believe I'm actually,
Meant to be here!
Trying to consume,
The drug in me is you
And I'm so high on misery
Can't you see!

I've lost
You tried to reach me but you just can't help me!
So long!
You tried to save me it wont work this time!

'Cause now,

I've lost my fucking mind,
And there's no fucking time!
I can't believe I'm actually,
Meant to be here!
Trying to consume,
The drug in me is you
And I'm so high on misery
Can't you see?

Can't you see?

Can't you see?

#fuckinghellyeay..!! ilikeit

cool suda

ko baca sini blog aku..
sampai bila2 pon..aku ta kan maap kan ko..smpai ko sendiri sedar sape yg mulakan dlu pergadohan nie..
ko tulis la cm mana pon..
aku akan dapat gak dont worry la..aku gendut ke..gemuk ke..??aku pedulik apa...
ALLAH da cipta aku mcm pon ta perfect jongang + kuku cacat + juling..hahhaa
so..gelaran nama apa sesuai ntuk ko ek..
nnty aku pkir2kan..then aku post kat wall bloggers aku nie..aku bg ko baca..
thx a lot sebb sudi baca blog aku...
appreciate that...


ko amat melucukan la jongang...
ta p\abis ag ke ngn pergadohan kita..
setakat dalam FB je bole la kot ko na serang2..
ta yah na bajet sgt la ko tu cool..
cool mcm HANJENG..!! je aku nengok ko tu..
ko baca sni ekk...
aku ta amek port sal ko da,,
ta yah na care sal aku sgt la kan..
phuii..!!sial laaa...!!!
woi..dasar kegatalan B**** tu meme cm tu
ex ko pon still na post pa mich u ke..??
adoii ko niee..
sengal sgt la..
dasar BETINA GILA TALAK mmg cm tu...
hahaha..tergelak besau aku ktwa post blog ko tulis gtu..
ada geng bajet kuat la..
phuiiii..!!termuntah weyhh aku nengok muka ko yg mata juling + jongang + cacat kuku...
g hospital bedah skit mata ko yg juling tu..pkai la PENDAKAP gg untuk betulkn gg ko yang jongang tu yunk ekk...pastu kann...kuku tu kuku tu..tolong laaa..p spa....baiki skit nooo.....hahahahaahaha :D
ko la pompuan paling lucu penah aku jumpa la m hidop aku..
oke2..!! blog nie khas yu ko ye pompuan..
harap ko happy baca..suka2..!!